According to the Order No. 159 of the Minister of Health of the Republic of Lithuania of 5th April 2002 ““Regarding approval of the description of inclusion of medicinal products and means of medical aid into the reimbursement lists and the order of changing the lists” (“Dėl vaistinių preparatų ir medicinos pagalbos priemonių įrašymo į kompensavimo sąrašus ir jų keitimo tvarkos aprašo patvirtinimo”) healthcare specialists or patients organisations can provide their opinions or comments on ongoing medicine evaluation not later than 20 days after announcement of evaluation initiation in State Medicine Control agency’s webpage.
Opinion and comments should be provided by filling special questionnaire and by sending it via email to [email protected].
Provided opinion will be used as addition to performed evaluation report.
2. Questionnaires
Healthcare specialists organisations questionnaire (in Lithuanian): Download
Patients organisations questionnaire (in Lithuanian): Download
3. Information on ongoing evaluations
Information about ongoing evaluation of medicines is announced here.