Health technology Assessment and submission of application in Lithuania is regulated by the Law on Pharmacy of the Republic of Lithuania and the Order No. 159 of the Minister of Health of the Republic of Lithuania of 5th April 2002 “Regarding approval of the description of inclusion of medicinal products and means of medical aid into the reimbursement lists and the order of changing the lists” (“Dėl vaistinių preparatų ir medicinos pagalbos priemonių įrašymo į kompensavimo sąrašus ir jų keitimo tvarkos aprašo patvirtinimo”).
Applications for reimbursement can be submitted by company or person who has the power of attorney issued by submitting company.
2. Relevant documents (only in Lithuanian)
The Order No. 159 of the Minister of Health of the Republic of Lithuania of 5th April 2002 ““Regarding approval of the description of inclusion of medicinal products and means of medical aid into the reimbursement lists and the order of changing the lists” („Dėl vaistinių preparatų ir medicinos pagalbos priemonių įrašymo į kompensavimo sąrašus ir jų keitimo tvarkos aprašo patvirtinimo“) | Link |
Minimal requirements for submission | Download |
Validated endpoints list (constantly updated) | Coming soon |
Application form | Download |
1st annex of application | Download |
2nd annex of application | Download |
Methodology of systematic literature review | Download |
3. Cost adaptation for Lithuania methodology
According to the rules of submission of application all costs used in pharmacoeconomical evaluation has to be adapted for Lithuania. Not fulfilling this requirement is one of the key deficiency of the submission.
All cost in connection to adverse effects has to be adapted using DRG method or prices announced by National Health Insurance Fund (VLK) in cases when DRG method is not used (for e.g. ambulance expenses).
In case there is no way to use DRG method or VLK announced prices – purchase power parity (PPP) method for price conversion should be used.
DRG and PPP methods in presentation (in Lithuanian): Download
DRG methodology description prepared by VLK (in Lithuanian):
Data on DRG cases (date of the data – 2019-06-20, prepared by VLK): Download
Other healthcare services prices (in Lithuanian):
All the adapted prices have to have references to literature and methodology used for adaptation.
4. Submission of documentation
Documents can be submitted in Studentų str. 45A, Vilnius, Lithuania.
Working hours:
Monday, Wednesday, Thursday – 8:00 to 17:00
Tuesday – 8:00 to 19:00
Friday – 8:00 to 15:45
If you need consultation, please register before arriving.
5. Fees
Health technology assessment fees are confirmed by the Legal Act of Government of Republic of Lithuania (December 11, 2019, No. 1242. New version of could be find here ( (in force since 24 09 2018, available only in Lithuanian).
Fee for HTA procedure consists of 5400 Euros.
Fees are payable to the State Tax Inspectorate under the Ministry of Finance of the Republic of Lithuania
The fees indicated do not include any payment for bank transactions, therefore applicants or MAH’s are to cover all expenses related to banking transactions.
Method of payment:
Applicants or MAH’s outside Lithuania should make their payments in Euro.
Beneficiary‘s address: Vasario 16-osios str. 14, LT- 01514 Vilnius, Lithuania
Beneficiary - State Tax Inspectorate under the Ministry of Finance of the Republic of Lithuania
More detailed information about bank accounts could be found here.
Reference No. 5750 (mandatory to note in the field for notes if there is no special field)
Proof of payment should be provided with the application form submitting to State Medicines Control Agency of Lithuania together with explanation for which application the fee is paid.
Cheques are not accepted.
Information about fees refund could be find here.
Last updated: 10-09-2023